As a team of Professional Writing students, our mission is to discover how the Professional Writing major is evolving and share how and why experience architecture is making its way to the forefront of the field . It is our hope that readers of this blog — whether they might be current students, past students, prospective students, or professors — learn the ins-and-outs of the major and begin to see how the worlds of writing and design intertwine. Professional Writing is currently a fairly popular major among universities, but one of the most interesting things about the field is that it’s always evolving. So what is the Professional Writing major anyway? When it comes to a major like this one, there isn’t a set plan of study among universities. In fact, the course requirements and the definition itself differ from school to school. Because of its natural diversity and constant evolution, Professional Writing doesn’t exactly have a clear future. If design and usability are becomin...
For this capstone professional writing class, ENGL 515, we have been assigned a normal project with a unique twist, which makes the project more realistic. This semester, we were supposed to write five to six blogposts, which is a common writing task assigned to students on multiple levels of education. Usually when teachers or professors assign a blog post or a discussion post, it is supposedly for a community or audience of at least peers, but what typically happens is that students read the prompt or question and only interact with the posts of their peers if it is required. For the 515 blog, that is not the case. This assignment is vastly different from a short-essay answer on a discussion forum or website. This group blog on Blogger acts as both an assessment and a teaching tool. It is what Bruce Frey refers to as an Authentic Classroom Assessment: "a classroom assessment task that involves the student deeply, both in terms of cognitive complexity and intrinsic interest, and ...